India Home Remedies

by Rahul Katiyar

Health & Fitness


India Home Remedies - घरेलू नुस्खेIn this App, you will find natural treatment related to constipation, cough,toothache, sore throat, piles treatment and many more.इस ऐप में आपको कब्ज, खांसी, दांत दर्द, गले में खराश, बवासीर का इलाज और भी बहुत कुछ से संबंधित प्राकृतिक उपचार मिलेगा।This treatment is generated by practice done by people living in Indian Subcontinent.Treatment given in this Application related to Ayurvedic treatment.Please be aware of allergies and effect cause to you. or please consult the DoctorFeatures provided in this App :-You can easily share with your Friends.Share directly to whatsapp.clear text and Images.Direct download of DataDisclaimer:1. This app is a self-contained offline app with a part of the contents from public domain.2. The purpose of app is to provide entertainment/general information to user. All the images/audio and text contained in the app are collected from different internet sources. All the images/audio are readily available in various places on the internet and are believed to be in the public domain. However, we do not claim ownership/copyright of material/media used in the app. We acknowledge that the respective copyright owners of the contents own the rights. If you own the right to any content in the app, please write to us at [email protected] with the copyright details of the original source, and the stated content will be removed immediately. No infringement intended.